How To Refer A Child/Young Person For Support

We offer Bereavement support to all Children and Young People following the bereavement of their special person. This could be a historic death that is impacting the Child or Young Person or a sudden / recent death. We offer immediate advice and support for traumatic and suicidal deaths, and we support families with breaking bad news and help with using the right language.
Bereavement support is crucial for Children and Young People following the death of their special person as it helps them process and navigate their emotions, build resilience, and develop healthy coping mechanisms during a vulnerable time. We help by normalising grief and ensure that Children and Young People feel understood, supported, and equipped to move forward whilst remembering their special person.
Once we receive a referral form, we will get in touch with the parent/carer or young person and start the process. As we work holistically, we will provide practical and emotional support to the family and send resources. We will keep in touch by telephone / online until we are able to offer a face-to-face appointment. We provide therapeutic 1-1 intervention focusing on positive memories of their special person leading up to peer-support group, if required.
There is no limit on the sessions we provide as we are led by the Child / Young Person to direct our work.
The second form ‘Anticipatory Grief Referral Form’ is to help a Child / Young Person aged 0-25 who is facing a bereavement. Anticipatory grief is a feeling of loss before someone dies. A Child / Young Person may feel it if someone special to them has cancer, dementia or another illness which will lead to their death. In this distressing situation, Children/Young people may experience a sense of confusion and mixed emotions. We can support families with breaking bad news and help with using the right language. It is normal to begin grieving before death, if you become aware that a special person in your life is going to die.
All feelings and thoughts that are experienced at this time can be just as intense and difficult as those after a death which is why our intervention can help the family as a whole. We listen and provide understanding and connections to Children and Young People to face the impending death of their special person with greater resilience and less fear.
Once we receive a referral form, we will get in touch with the parent/carer or young person and start the process on understanding and memory making. As we work holistically, we will provide practical and emotional support to the family and send resources.
There is no limit on the sessions we provide as we are led by the Child / Young Person to direct our work.

Refer Now
We accept self-referrals from families and referrals from professionals for Children and Young People aged 0-25 affected by the death or terminal / life-limiting illness of a person that is special to them. We also take enquiries and provide education establishments and professionals with advice and can provide training.
Please note, our full services are currently restricted to certain geographical areas.
If you have serious concerns regarding a Child / Young Person’s mental health, please contact your GP. In an emergency out of hours, please call the emergency services or go directly to your local Accident and Emergency department.