Sandy Bear

Elusen Profedigaeth Plant

Pwy Ydym Ni a Beth Rydym yn Ei Wneud

Mae Sandy Bear yn credu na ddylai unrhyw blentyn ddioddef profedigaeth ar ei ben ei hun. Mae ein cefnogaeth 1:1 a grŵp cyfoedion yn sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn gallu deall marwolaeth, i fynegi galar yn llawn; a rheoli colled mewn ffordd gadarnhaol sy’n adeiladu gwytnwch ac yn eu harfogi’n well ar gyfer bywyd yn y dyfodol. Mae ein hymagwedd yn golygu eu bod yn gwybod nad ydynt ar eu pen eu hunain, a bod eraill yn mynd trwy brofiadau tebyg.

Rydym yn canolbwyntio ar gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc sy’n paratoi ar gyfer neu sydd wedi cael profedigaeth oherwydd colli aelod agos o’r teulu, neu bobl arbennig eraill yn eu bywyd. Fodd bynnag, rydym hefyd yn cefnogi rhieni, gofalwyr a gwarcheidwaid i ddelio â’u galar eu hunain a ffyrdd o gefnogi eu plant ar adeg fregus.

Rydym hefyd yn darparu hyfforddiant sy’n cynnig profiad a sgiliau i weithwyr proffesiynol a thimau o ran rheoli profedigaeth ar draws amrywiaeth o leoliadau. Mae hyn yn cynnwys nyrsys Ysgol, gweithwyr gwasanaethau brys, staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, timau addysg ac ieuenctid. Mae hyfforddiant yn unigryw i fynychwyr.

Lle Rydyn Ni’n Gweithio

Mae Sandy Bear yn gweithio ar draws Cymru, er ein bod yn gyfyngedig mewn rhai ardaloedd yn dibynnu ar gronfa i’r elusen.

Yn genedlaethol rydym yn cynnig gwasanaeth cymorth ffôn ac e-bost i rieni, gofalwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol lle rydym yn cynnig cymorth ymarferol ac emosiynol, ac yn cyfeirio at ddarpariaeth leol a allai fod ar gael.

Lle mae gennym gronfa, rydym yn cynnig gwasanaeth cymorth llawn i blant a phobl ifanc. Gweler y dudalen sir berthnasol am fanylion yr hyn sydd ar gael yn eich ardal, neu cliciwch ar yr ardaloedd glas ar y map isod:

Where we work…

Click the blue areas for more information.

Where we work…
Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Ceredigion Powys Gwynedd Anglesey North-east Wales South-east Wales


We offer our full support services across Pembrokeshire with most work occurring at Sandy Bear HQ in Milford Haven.

Here we offer:

1:1 and Peer group support
Parent support groups
Information, Advice and Guidance telephone and email support

We are also looking out for volunteers based within Pembrokeshire that are interested in working with our beneficiaries, administration, PR and fundraising. See our volunteering page for more information.


We offer our full support services across Carmarthenshire and work out of various locations depending upon where the referrals are based and accessibility.

Here we offer:

1:1 and Peer group support
Parent support groups
Information, Advice and Guidance telephone and email support

We are also looking out for volunteers based within Carmarthenshire that are interested in working with our beneficiaries, PR and fundraising


We offer our full support services across Ceredigion and work out of various locations depending upon where the referrals are based and accessibility.

Here we offer:

1:1 and Peer group support
Parent support groups
Information, Advice and Guidance telephone and email support

We are also looking out for volunteers based within Ceredigion that are interested in working with our beneficiaries, PR and fundraising.


Sadly, we don’t have enough funding to implement our full support across Powys just yet. Though we are always happy to chat by phone or email and to see who might be best to sign post to, or which resources we know of that might support you.

Here we offer:

Information, Advice and Guidance by telephone and email support

We are also looking out for volunteers based within Powys who have an interest in support us through PR and fundraising.


Sadly, we don’t have enough funding to implement our full support across Gwynedd just yet. Though we are always happy to chat by phone or email and to see who might be best to sign post to, or which resources we know of that might support you.

Here we offer:

Information, Advice and Guidance by telephone and email support

We are also looking out for volunteers based within Gwynedd who have an interest in support us through PR and fundraising.


Sadly, we don’t have enough funding to implement our full support across Anglesey just yet. Though we are always happy to chat by phone or email and to see who might be best to sign post to, or which resources we know of that might support you.

Here we offer:

Information, Advice and Guidance by telephone and email support

We are also looking out for volunteers based within Anglesey who have an interest in support us through PR and fundraising.

North-east Wales

Sadly, we don’t have enough funding to implement our full support across North-east Wales just yet. Though we are always happy to chat by phone or email and to see who might be best to sign post to, or which resources we know of that might support you.

Here we offer:

Information, Advice and Guidance by telephone and email support

We are also looking out for volunteers based within North-east Wales who have an interest in support us through PR and fundraising.

South-east Wales

We can offer some limited face to face support across Swansea and will shortly have capacity within Torfaen and Monmouth thanks to the generosity of funders and supporters.

Sandy Bear help elsewhere across South-east Wales is limited to telephone and online support, guidance and signposting for the time being (Though we are working hard to try and implement our work fully where there is most need).

Delwedd map trwy garedigrwydd Defnyddiwr:Marnanel, ar ôl en:Defnyddiwr:Morwen, CC BY-SA 3.0 , trwy Comin Wikimedia

Sut Gallwn Helpu

Plant a Phobl Ifanc

Mae grwpiau cymorth 1:1, teulu a chymheiriaid yn caniatáu gwahanol ddulliau gweithredu sy’n briodol i anghenion unigolion.

Rydym yn defnyddio amrywiaeth o adnoddau a ffyrdd o ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc o unrhyw oedran i’w helpu i ddeall eu teimladau a ffyrdd o ymdopi; datblygu hunanhyder a gwytnwch.

Rhieni, Gwarcheidwaid a Gofalwyr

Mae sgyrsiau 1:1 a grwpiau cymorth i rieni yn sicrhau bod rhieni a gofalwyr yn gallu cael y sgyrsiau anodd hynny gyda’u plant am farwolaeth eu person arbennig.

Gweithwyr Proffesiynol a Hyfforddiant

Rydym yn cynnig cyngor cyffredinol i weithwyr proffesiynol sy’n gweithio gyda, neu sy’n dod i gysylltiad â phlant a phobl ifanc sy’n wynebu profedigaeth.

Yn ogystal, rydym yn gallu cefnogi unigolion a thimau gyda hyfforddiant pwrpasol i gefnogi anghenion penodol.

Newyddion Sandy Bear


B Jenkins, Nain a Thaid :

Ni fydd gennyf byth y geiriau a all fynegi pa mor ddiolchgar y byddaf bob amser i Sandy Bear am glirio’r niwl a rhoi eu gwen yn ôl iddynt.

Tachwedd 2023

S Peniket, Mam :

Sandy Bear oedd y llinyn oedd yn pwytho ein calonnau yn ôl at ei gilydd ac yn ei gwneud yn bosibl i wenu eto.

Tachwedd 2023

K Roberts :

Mae’r gefnogaeth, y cyngor, a’r adnoddau a gefais gan yr elusen wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy

LSA (Cynorthwyydd Cymorth Dysgu Ysgol)

Cefnogir Sandy Bear gan: